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Time to Share!

Posted by bernell on October 9, 2014

Okay...Field Reports Please!

I plan to post the Friday Report early Friday...perhaps before the market closes tomorrow.

So, PLEASE let me know what's happening out there as soon as you can.

Here’s a link for anonymously sharing tips:

Here's the deal...

Mississippi State University is playing Auburn in Starkville Saturday. 

As I usually do, I'm planning to go to the game. 

State is ranked 3rd in the nation. 

Auburn 2nd in the nation. 

ESPN's College Game Day will be on campus for the first time ever at State. 

This is NOT a normal, everyday sorta thing for Mississippi State fans.

This is special.

I really don't know if I will even think about the TMS once I leave the metro-Liberty area Friday until I return Sunday.

So, help me (us) out and let us know what's going on out there!


Comstock - Trinidad Rig # 103...y'all are bound to be finished...if not, you are very close or something major is wrong...send us an update.  We won’t embarrass you, I promise.  Also, does anyone out there know where y’all are headed next?

Goodrich Verberne.  Y’all redrilling the lateral or getting ready to move?  Any time frame known?

And, any other news anyone wants to share…we’re more than open to learn and share.

By the way, the Trinidad Rig # 124 is on the move back to the Mathis site from Ash 13 and Frac-Tech is preparing to frack the Sabine 12H-1 & 2, I’m told.

Things are still popping out there folks…keep us posted.

Again, with apologies to those who are not college football fans, the rest of you may find this of interest…especially Auburn and State fans!

What do you think about it?