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Monday Morning Morsel

Posted by bernell on September 22, 2014

I had a very nice weekend with my three oldest grandkids and their materal grandmother.  New Orleans is a good place to visit.

Now, as to this morning's little appears the Halcon S. D. Smith has finished fracking.  Halcon Shuckrow should be next in line with George Martens, et. al. waiting in the wings.

And, No, I don't know when the S. D. Smith will have the plugs drilled out or start flowing back, but I'm guessing flow back will start by this weekend or early next week.

So, expect a report on this well the week of the 6th to the 10th of October.

I'm expecting a report on Fassman this week, but Halcon may bundle the reports like it appears Goodrich is now doing.

Stay tuned!

What do you think about it?