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Comstock Trinidad 103?

Posted by bernell on December 8, 2014

Comstock CMR Foster Creek 28-40 #1 has begun fracturing operations.

I had assumed, though never verified, that the Trinidad Rig # 103, which drilled the CMR Foster Creek 28-40 was moving on to the CMR Foster Creek 30-31 site since this was the announced intention of the Comstock just a few weeks ago.  However, I was told last week the rumor was they weren't going to drill the well at this time.  It was my intent to personally check it out this week-end, but I wasn't able to do so.

Instead I get a message this morning that the Trinidad Rig # 103 has left the TMS.

Now, I don't know if this means Comstock is bringing in another rig or if Comstock has pulled out for awhile or if Comstock is abandoning the play.  I was told Comstock has laid off its landmen, so this may be an indication of pulling out for the foreseeable future.

Anyone who can help us get the facts straight, please do. 


What do you think about it?