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Monday Morning TMS Tidbits 02-23-2015

Posted by bernell on February 23, 2015

I have a hodgepodge of information to report from a rather busy weekend of miscellaneous reports.  So, let's get to it.

Goodrich is down to 1 rig in the TMS, the Nabors Rig #624 has moved to the W. Alfrod 10H site in Washington Parish.  Here is a picture of the rig, compliments of Gerald and Melba Burns, from Saturday.

W Alford 10H 02-22-2015.jpeg

The Trinidad Rig # 125 is wrapping up drilling operations at EnCana's McIntosh/Reese wells now and will be moving to the Sanchez Bloomer site located 18 miles west of Woodville just south of Hwy 24 later this week. 

Here is a picture from today of the patiently waiting, rig-ready hole at the Bloomer site.

Sanchez Bloomer well hole 02-22-2015.jpg

For those curious, these two wells are 100 miles apart by highway...from western Washington Parish to western Wilkinson County.  Also, for those wondering, these are the only two rigs operating in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale at this time.

For production in the month of December, EnCana paid $60.33 per barrel for oil to its royalty owners in the TMS.  Anyone receiving a Goodrich check this month, please feel free to share what was paid per barrel by Goodrich.

The Lawson 25-13H-1 fracking operations should have started already.

For those who did not see it, I put up a post yesterday from an independent professional providing his assessment of the TMS. 

Here is a link to that post:





What do you think about it?