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Sabine 12H-1 and -2 Wells

Posted by bernell on January 8, 2015

The Sabine 12H-1 and 12H-2 wells began producing on November 20.  At first blush the Sabine 12H-1 would be the better well, but a more in depth look suggests the 12H-2 may be the better well.

The November production numbers for these two wells are now available, along with the Form 3 report which provides the official flow test for both wells and the number of frack stages, among other details.

The Sabine 12H-1 had November production of 4,961 barrels and Sabine 12H-2 reported November production of 4,800 barrels. 

Both wells had 24 hour flow tests on November 23 and the -1 had 504 barrels, while the -2 had production of 240 barrels. 

Both wells had a 12/64 choke during the test.  Casing pressure was 2,468 psi on the -1 well and 2,226 psi on the -2 well. -1 had 17 stages and -2 had 21.

So, why would I think -2 was a better well than -1?   

Let's think about it. 

If on Day 5 of flow back the -1 had 504 barrels a day of production and an average production of 451 barrels per day for its first 11 days, while -2 on Day 5 had 240 barrels and an average 11 day production of 436 barrels, then it is likely that -2 was flowing at a much higher rate by month end than -1, meaning -2 likely has a much higher ceiling than -1. 

The reason for it taking -2 longer to reach peak production is it had more stages, thus more to clean up.

Rumors suggest these wells may have topped out at well over 2,500 barrels per day combined.  It would be easy to imagine -2 being in excess of 1,500 barrels per day at its peak day of production.

Assuming these wells are producing as much as rumored, this could open the doors for drilling a little further north in central Amite County when prices return and that would make the folks in Liberty smile.

Hope springs eternal!

What do you think about it?