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Lawson 25-13H-1

Posted by bernell on April 22, 2015

The EnCana Lawson 25-13H-1 began producing on March 18, 2015.  The well has the longest lateral in the TMS at 9,800 foot.  It was fracked with 29 stages.

This well was drilled north from the same pad as the south drilled Lawson 25H-1 in downtown Gillsburg. 

The Mississippi Oil and Gas Board performed a 24 hour flow back test on April 1, 2015 (no fooling), the 15th day of flow back.

Using a 15/64 choke the production was 1,294 barrels of oil for this test day.

The production had not peaked at this point and rumors are that the 30 day production was likely in excess of 35,000 barrels.

Peak production was around 1,400 barrels of oil based on a Goodrich Petroleum presentation on April 20 that rated this well as having the 2nd highest 24 hour production of any well in the TMS.  Specifically, the presentation listed this well as having 1,600 boe.  Boe is barrels of oil equivalent, meaning gas production is included.  I estimate the barrels of oil would have been in excess of 1,400.

That's a nice production level folks.

What do you think about it?